Although I havn't really tested the camera out to the max, I was able to get a bit of a first shoot in yesterday. It seems to live up to my own expectation well enough. Strangely enough, I don't think the sensor is that different from my old one apart from a few more mega-pixels. Even then, 99% of the time those extra megapixels don't play a huge role. I have a new lens coming, but even so the kit lens is an improvement on what I had. I am enjoying some of the extra features on the camera even though they don't really alter things that much. The E620 is not really made for low light shooting as the ISO ability is not the greatest. I have a feeling that to get that extra step up in low-light quality would require another level of sensor.
On the whole, I'm pretty happy and expect it to last me a fair while - the Canon 5D will have to wait. Until, then I expect to get stuck into some more photography - WITHOUT DOTS
OLD PHOTO: (The old sensor played havoc in any dark exposures over 1").
Have a fantastic week!