Sunday, October 28, 2012

E620: First Photos

Although I havn't really tested the camera out to the max, I was able to get a bit of a first shoot in yesterday. It seems to live up to my own expectation well enough. Strangely enough, I don't think the sensor is that different from my old one apart from a few more mega-pixels. Even then, 99% of the time those extra megapixels don't play a huge role. I have a new lens coming, but even so the kit lens is an improvement on what I had. I am enjoying some of the extra features on the camera even though they don't really alter things that much. The E620 is not really made for low light shooting as the ISO ability is not the greatest. I have a feeling that to get that extra step up in low-light quality would require another level of sensor.

On the whole, I'm pretty happy and expect it to last me a fair while - the Canon 5D will have to wait. Until, then I expect to get stuck into some more photography - WITHOUT DOTS 

OLD PHOTO: (The old sensor played havoc in any dark exposures over 1"). 

Have a fantastic week!

Friday, October 19, 2012

On The Road Again

It's been a while since I have been able to get out and take some photos since my old camera gave up the ghost. However, finally got another one today - found another olympus: E 620. SO, there will be more photography to come!!

I have had my eyes on the full-frame EOS 5D. However, after taking some of my own advice from an old post I decided to continue with a cheaper option until affordability provides option for the full-frame camera.

The upsides to this are that I get to continue with the Olympus brand and style that I have enjoyed over the last 10 years. Secondly, all of my sparse assortment of lenses and accessory items will remain compatible with the new camera.

Wireless flash capability is certainly something that I am looking forward to using. However, I think the E 620 limits this to use WITH the on-camera flash.

Anyway, regardless of specifications I'm sure I'll be pretty happy with a working machine as long as it is needed. People often ask me "What's a good camera to buy?" Although this is a perfectly good and valid question, there are a many lot of great cameras around these days especially if you stick with the known brands and basic specs. Therefore, whatever you end up with will probably be quite a good camera to buy (However, please DO NOT quote me on this after you buy an under-performing boxy that's been megapixally overpriced) Point is, I'm looking forward to USING what gear I now have.

Have a great weekend!!