Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Work in Progress

Over the Christmas week, we spent a bit of time down on the farm. I have taken some interest in the obligatory farm dump (there are always so many great treasures in old dumps!). 

I thought I'd include this image on here, even though I'm not happy with it in order to show some of the thinking/working process that happens in making an image. I feel it is a bit too cluttered and busy - hence, the next photo will have fewer points of focus in order to bring a bit more simplicity to the scene.

I guess this is a bit disappointing to come away with an image that is not quite satisfactory. However, it happens sometimes and I will have a much better idea in my mind for next time what I want it to look like. I'll post the results once I have got what I'm after. 

Merry Christmas week!

Monday, December 17, 2012


KEY: Shoot a variety of scenes and images.

Thanks to some inspiration from the wife, this is fairly recent photo taken in the city after some of our summer rains. Although I usually enjoy nature photography as it is more naturally inspiring, I find this image quite nice as a simple urban scene. The vehicle trail and the reflection in the water both provide some points of interest for the eye. There is a sense of slight motion and yet still symmetry; these features and the darkness create a little intrigue (in my own mind at least).

I would certainly like to make more images of this kind as it really is a challenge to spark an interesting picture. There are plenty of defining features in the city and yet certain details are sometimes overlooked. Composition becomes quite important to the image and it can make or break the photograph. I think that by taking pictures in a variety of scenes such as this will help to provide a better variety of compositional styles across a broader range of scenes. 

I certainly aim to be creating a better and stronger set of pictures as my own photography continues. If this also helps your own, even better.

Have a great week!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Changing Landscapes

I have been trying to find ways to photograph Perth city and still capture some of the Western Australian lifestyle/landscape so this photo is the start of a bigger project of mine. It was taken following recent storm activity which means there is still a bit of misty rain hanging around on the plains.

A scene can change quite dramatically right before your eyes. I'm sure you have seen this before and it makes for quite an enjoyable experience watching as you get a new beauty unfold in a matter of minutes. The image below is one taken less than 30 minutes after the one in the previous post. Same location - yet just a short time apart can give rise to a very different view. So, take plenty of photos as the light and view changes and I'm sure something will come of it. 

Moral of the story - it is totally worth hanging around for a more picturesque view if you are out and about, especially if it is a cloudy/stormy day with lots of cloud gaps and breaks.